Thursday, April 30, 2009

Weekly Post #12

30 Fonts that all designers must know and own

Here are 15 Serif and 15 Sans-Serif fonts that will last you through-out your design career.

15 Serif Fonts

1. Adobe Caslon - Magazines, journals, text books, corporate communication.

2. Adobe Garamond - Textbooks and magazines

3. Bembo - Posters, packaging, textbooks.

4. Bodoni - Headlines, text, logos. (I couldn’t get big preview for this font.)

5. Clarendon - Dictionaries and headlines.

6. Courier - Tabular materials, technical documentation, word processing.

7. Excelsior - Newsletters, Reports, Proposals.

8. Lucida - Low resolution printing, small point sizes, reversed out half tones.

9. Minion - Limited edition books, newsletters, packaging.

10. Perpetua - For displays with fine lettering, long pages of text, chiseled text.

11. Sabon - Books and corporate communication.

12. Stempel Schneidler - For displays and fine publications that need a legible text type.

13. Times New Roman - Newspapers, magazines, corporate communication.

14. Trajan - Books, magazines, posters, billboards, anything to do with the ages or religion.

15. Walbaum - Magazines, journals, text books, corporate communication.

15 Sans-Serif

1. Akzidenz Grotesk - Large Signage, all purpose for print media.

2. Avenir - For books with large amounts of text

3. Bell Centennial - For listings and very poor printing conditions.

4. Bell Gothic - For very small amounts of text that contains large amounts of information.

5. DIN - For signage, posters and displays.

6. Franklin Gothic - Newspapers and where available space is limited.

7. Frutiger - Large signage, all purpose font for print media.

8. Futura - Large displays, small text in books.

9. Gill Sans - Signage, all purpose font for print media.

10. Helvetica - Large or small text, all purpose type figure.

11. Meta - Large or small text, all purpose type figure.

12. Myriad - Large displays, all purpose media.

13. Trade Gothic - Newspapers and classified ads, advertising, multimedia.

14. Univers - Packaging, signage, text books.

15. Vag Rounded - Instruction manuals and print advertising.

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