Thursday, April 30, 2009

Weekly Post #20

Magazine Covers and Cover Lines


The Magazine above is dated back from mid-1700's. As you can see the visual design of magazine covers as changed radically over 300 years. The cover itself contains no images (for the obvious reasons) and consists just of bodies of text. No women on the cover, not interesting, uh?


You see what a 100 years do to design? this cover is a thousand times better than the picture shown above. By looking at the font you can see that it truly reflects the time period. Not to mention this ones got a picture (not a woman though)


There is no doubt that color truly revolutionized the design world. While this magaizine cover is a step backwards than the previous due to the fact that it looks like a painting from a museum (and more like a limited edition copy) it is quite effective because of its unique contrast.

Note: No women on the cover

Welcome to the 21st century. Guess what? There are women on the covers these days, and only women. It seems as if designers kind of gave up on magazine covers. Now-a-days, all you need is an attractive picture of some hot celebrity and you've got yourself a seller.


1 comment:

Holmes said...

and a whole lot of photoshop